Photo: Erica Davenport
Bringing Festive Joy and Lights to the Community and Visitors alike
Welcome to Ambleside Christmas Lights, a community event that happens on the 3rd Sat of November each year. The event has been run for many years and is one of the highlights in the Ambleside calender.
The event is run and organised by a team of local volunteers who start planning each year’s even in the spring. It takes many hours of planning and organising to ensure that everything goes off without a hitch.
Making Dreams Come True, comes with a cost.
The entire event is funded by donations from local businesses, collections on the day and fundraising events during the year. Without these the event simply wouldn't go ahead.
It is also becoming increasingly costly to stage the event so please drop some coins in a bucket or donate via this link.

Photo: Dawn Hindle

Making the winter months, that little bit brighter.
Each year, starting around Aug, a team of volunteers starts prepping the lights for the winter ahead making sure that they all shine bright. We have over 4,000 led bulbs across all the strings we put up.
Then very early on a Sunday morning in October a group of volunteers start the process of putting up the strings of lights that will make Ambleside a warmer brigher place over the festive period. The lights stay up until early in the New Year when again on an early Sunday morning the team start the process of taking them down until they are needed again.